Updated: November 2003
6 October, 2003: A rather late report, but... Usako & Kousa went to Hell again and had lots of fun! See some photos from the trip here.
1 September, 2003: We are now back in Berlin after 2 months in Iceland. Here's the Final Part of our Summer Report, with stills from the TV broadcast.
17 August, 2003: We really have been busy bunnies - here's the Part Four of our Summer Report, about the Culture Night.
16 August, 2003: And now we have Part Three of our Summer Report - busy bunnies, eh? ;-)
13 August, 2003: We now have the second installment of our Summer Report.
3 August, 2003: This time a really *huge* apology to everyone for the complete lack of updates for the last 12 months!! We finally have some new contents here! First part of our summer report from Iceland (3 August 2003) So what have we been up to since last August, before we came back to Iceland for the summer? Well, check out the following pages - some of these photos have been in the "private" part of the website for a while, others are online for the first time.
Of course we've been to see an odd Deep Purple show or two (er... 15, to be precise) in the mean time. The picture here was taken during the last European tour in June. Click on the image to view a larger version of Usako & Kousa admiring the famous Cathedral of Cologne.
As we mentioned on the front page, we are working on a new design for the website - which will probably be introduced in September, when we are back in Berlin. |
12 August, 2002: After another few months' lapse - "getting accustomed to the cool Icelandic climate after the hot & humid South East Asia" is our excuse - we have finally uploaded our Icelandic Diary here - with more to follow very soon, as Usako & Kousa still have a few more events coming up in their busy social calendar, before we fly back to Berlin in 10 days' time. (And then it'll be Deep Purple time again, in Germany and the UK.)
13 May, 2002: See the latest tourist shots of Usako & Kousa in Thailand here.
2 May, 2002: Apologies for not having these pages updated for soooooooo long! Since September, we've been to Japan once, spent the New Year in Iceland again, went to see Deep Purple in the UK but the tour got cancelled/postponed halfway through, been flying backwards & forwards between London & Berlin lately, and now we're off to Bangkok & Singapore - Usako & Kousa's first trip to South East Asia! (And yes, we are going to see Deep Purple there... ;-) Anyway, here is a report of some Icelandic events we've been to lately in London & Berlin, with some drunken photos with our Icelandic friends...
10 September, 2001: We've had an adventurous evening last weekend, tasting a can of the Nothern Swedish speciality, Surströmming (fermented herring) sent to us all the way from Sweden by our friend Jouni Maho. Read all about it (and see the pictures) here! (44K).
5 September 2001: A report of Usako & Kousa's 3-month long summer tour is here at last! (64K)
A good news: killer.berlin.doc CD-Rom is finally finished and available for sale! A bad news: Due to legal & practical complications (to do with the new EU-wide e-commerce regulations), we have decided to close down our shopping page in English & German. You can still follow the above links for information on other outlets for our T-shirt, videos, CD-Rom and other multiples. If you encounter any problem ordering the items, do let us know... If you live outside of EU, you are welcome to order any of these items directly from us - just mail us and let us know which item(s) you are interested in and, and we'll mail you back with the price, postage and payment details. And the Japanese shopping page is still up & running...
7 May 2001: Sorry, this doesn't have much to do with Usako & Kousa, but we now have a www.bunnies.de Shopping Page - in English, in Deutsch and in Japanese.
Updates to the item from 6 February:
In the mean time,
the real Goethe Institute has threatened Wolfgang with a legal action, should he
continue to call himself Director of a "private" Goethe Institute, so it's now called
Walther von Goethe Foundation instead... We've corrected the link below accordingly.
The Highlight of the Month at Wolfgang Müller's "private" Goethe Institute web pages is Usako & Kousa's report on their New Year's celebration in Reykjavik
For those of you who don't read any German, we have reproduced the page in English and Japanese (both 56K).
(Yes, he was very, very nice to Usako & Kousa, too, just as their other keyboard hero, Keith Emerson, always is...)
Instead, we went to Iceland and celebrated the arrival of the new
And in case you still want to see our old Xmas/New Year cards, here are the links: |
Read Usako & Kousa's 1999 News Updates
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