We hit the town and go into a bar around the corner from KHM. They are showing World Cup on big TV screening outside, as well as on a screen inside, and the tables outside are all occupied but inside it's still (realtively) quiet.

There's a cow's head on the wall just above our table...

It fills up gradually inside too. If you can spot the bunnies in this photo, your eyesight is *really* good!

One of those shots you end up with when you're trying to take a self-portrait family picture...

Another one of those shots from a happy family evening.

Everyone's watching the match on the screen, except us.

UsaKousa are bored, and decide to play football with a blueberry from my salad. Except that they are pretty useless at it, so we decide to help them...

...resulting in this highly staged shot. (You can tell just how strenuous it is to get it all right, from the amount of sweat on my face!)

15 June: we hop on the train to Bonn, where we have a lazy afternoon with friends and then go and see Deep Purple in the evening. Luckily England win against Trinidad at the last minute, just before the band come onstage, so they are all grinning and happy - most of the songs played tonight are either about Sven-Goran Eriksson or dedicated to him!! (And UsaKousa get another name check during the concert - I'm still in search of a bootleg recording.)

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