Sunday 20 April: An evening out in Osaka with Noriko - dinner at Mamesuke in Umeda. A glass of cloudy plum wine inbetween sake.

Mozarella wrapped in nori & deep-fried in tempura batter, in thick sauce with veg. Tastes like mochi (rice cake) and nice.
Wednesday 23 April: Back in Gifu, a Chinese dinner for 12 at Kasen, where I'm too busy drinking & talking, so I don't get to take many food pix apart from this one: crab legs, stir-fried mixed shellfish & veg, and beef pies.
Karen, the next generation of Food Groupie?!
In fact she's photographing some of the food samples Ichiro has brought back from the Sample Kobo (Food Sample Studio) in Gujo Hachiman, run by the company who produces most of the food samples in Japan and where you can make your own food samples.

Karen showing me her portrait of Usako...

...and of Kousa...

...and the bit we're not supposed to see ;-)

Thursday 24 April: A bottle of fresh uni (from Iwate in North Japan) in seawater arrives by courier - a gift from Sachie, in time for my birthday!

Eaten at lunch & dinner, with rice cooked with Hiroshima oysters - another gift, this one from Yoko. Heaven!
To Part 5